U.S. DOT Official Joins State and Local Leaders to Announce $90 Million Infrastructure Investment for Idaho

FHWA 17-18
Contact: Neil Gaffney
Tel.: (202) 366-0660
NAMPA, Idaho – On behalf of U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao, Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Brandye L. Hendrickson joined state and local officials today to announce a $90.2 million grant for the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD)’s I-84 Karcher Interchange to Franklin Boulevard project. The funding is provided through the “Infrastructure for Rebuilding America” (INFRA) discretionary grant program.
“The Department is proud to help Idaho invest in better transportation,” said Hendrickson. “This INFRA grant will improve safety, enhance mobility, and bolster economic growth along Idaho’s major freight corridor.”
The project along I-84 will widen the highway to three lanes in each direction from Franklin Boulevard to Karcher Interchange, add auxiliary lanes between Franklin Boulevard and Northside Boulevard ramps, replace the Northside Interchange, replace and widen the Karcher Road overpass, and replace and widen a canal structure at Mason Creek. The project will also replace and expand two interstate bridges that cross over the Union Pacific Railroad and the East Lateral Canal. With these improvements, ITD expects to efficiently move up to 126,000 vehicles per day by 2040. Construction on the project will begin in October and is expected to be completed in 2020.
The project, which encompasses 2.8 miles of I-84, continues a larger $820 million I-84 corridor project in Idaho's Treasure Valley area that is expected to improve connectivity among the modes of freight transportation moving goods into and out of the Boise area and mitigate the impact on communities.
INFRA grants support the Administration’s commitment to fixing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure by creating opportunities for all levels of government and the private sector to fund infrastructure, using innovative approaches to improve the necessary processes for building significant projects, and increasing accountability for the projects that are built.
For more information, visit www.transportation.gov/buildamerica/infragrants.
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