U.S. DOT Grant to Fund New Las Cruces Interchange

Contact: Doug Hecox, 202-366-0660
FHWA 20-04b
A new $400,000 Federal Highway Administration grant will help reconstruct the I-25 Dona Ana interchange in Las Cruces, NM, said U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta.
"Las Cruces is one of the fastest growing regions of the state," said Secretary Mineta. "The funding we're announcing today will help keep people, goods and opportunity rolling into the area."
In reconstructing the interchange, the Dona Ana project will reconfigure on- and off-ramps, replace concrete box culverts with two new bridges carrying north- and southbound traffic, and increase the width and vertical clearance under the new bridges for State Route 320.
The improved interchange will ease traffic congestion and improve visibility for motorists, Secretary Mineta noted.
"Investments such as the Dona Ana interchange help people get to their jobs and back home to their families safely and on time," said Federal Highway Administrator Mary E. Peters.
Since 1991, the FHWA has provided funds to states seeking to improve the safety, longevity or utility of key bridges with innovative materials or designs.