Recovery Act Crosses 6,000th Highway Project Mark

FHWA 23-09
Contact: Cathy St. Denis
Phone: 202-366-0660
$44.5 Million Project Near Phoenix Hailed as 'Major Milestone'
WASHINGTON - The widening of congested U.S. 60 - or Grand Avenue - northwest of downtown Phoenix this week became the 6,000th highway project funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
"This marks a major milestone," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "This important project will improve safety and reduce traffic in and around Phoenix. It will also, like the thousands that came before it, put people back to work."
The $44.5 million project will widen the route between State Route 303 and 99th Avenue, which serves an estimated 45,000 vehicles daily, from four lanes to six. In addition, intersections and medians will be improved, and turn lanes will be built at the intersections. When completed, the project will greatly relieve one of Phoenix's most congested corridors and help to reduce greenhouse gases in the area.
Unlike other areas of the Phoenix metropolitan area, which can accommodate high volumes of traffic with access to interstate highways, the area near Sun City, El Mirage, Peoria, and Surprise - a vital link between Phoenix and Las Vegas - has no major road other than Grand Avenue. As a result, the volume of daily commuters and commercial truck traffic contribute heavily to local congestion.
Of the nearly $27 billion available for highway projects through the Recovery Act, Arizona's share is $520.9 million. To date, Arizona has funded 135 projects totaling $307.8 million. Nationwide, states have funded more than 2,400 projects for more than $17 billion.
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