Original Strategic Plan for Long-Term Pavement Performance Data Analysis
Analysis Objectives
The Strategic Objectives of the national-level analysis effort are as follows. Each Objective is important to the achievement of the overall goal. The specific Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Analysis Outcomes expected to address these Objectives are shown on the listed objective.
Strategic Objective 1 Improve traffic characterization and prediction
Strategic Objective 2 Improve materials characterization
Strategic Objective 3 Improve consideration of environmental effects in pavement design and performance prediction
Strategic Objective 4 Improve evaluation and use of pavement condition data in pavement management
Strategic Objective 5 Evaluate existing and/or develop new pavement response and performance models applicable to pavement design and performance prediction
Strategic Objective 6 Provide guidance for maintenance and rehabilitation strategy selection and performance prediction
Strategic Objective 7 Quantify the performance impact of specific design features (presence or absence of positive drainage,differing levels of pre-rehab surface preparation,etc.)
Purpose and Goal
The purpose of this plan is to guide recommendations by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) LTPP Committee concerning the national-level analysis of data collected within the LTPP studies.
The goal for this plan is to develop knowledge, relationships, prototype performance models and other findings to facilitate improved pavement treatment strategy selection and reliable performance prediction.
The Committee will use this plan to help it determine whether the limited resources available for LTPP data analysis are being used in the most effective manner. The Committee will evaluate newly proposed analyses, work that is currently in progress, and work that has been completed for compliance with this plan. The Committee understands that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) intends to use this plan for similar purposes.
The Committee invites all agencies that are partners and participants in the LTTP studies to adopt this plan. If so adopted, this plan will provide uniform guidance for national- level LTPP data analysis.
The Committee formally adopted this strategic plan at its meeting of November 8-9, 1999. The plan is now in effect, and it will be kept current by the Committee from this date forward to the completion of LTPP. The Committee will review the plan annually-and will update it when necessary.
It is anticipated that this plan will be used to:
- Guide development of LTPP analysis problems by the TRB ETG on Data Analysis.
- Guide selection of LTPP analysis problems by the TRB LTPP Committee.
- Support the programming of national-level LTPP analysis by sponsors.
- Guide the formulation of LTPP analysis project statements.
- Support assessment of progress in analysis of the LTPP data.
- Communicate outcomes anticipated from LTPP analysis.