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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Office of Administration

An organizational chart displaying the hierarchy and roles of individuals in the Office of Administration, with Arlan Finfrock as the Associate Administrator at the top. Associate Administrator: Arlan Finfrock. Kimberly Stillson, Special Advisor. David Lewis, Director, Office of Human Resources. Acting Director.  Michael Privett, Director, Office of Management Services. Shawn Sewell, Acting Director, Office of Information Technology and Data Services. Vacant, Director, Discretionary Grants and Workforce Programs. Pamela McGonigal, Program Manager, Mission Support. Shakira Crandol-McMillan, Program Manager, Wellness, Innovation, Development and Engagement (WIDE). William Oconis, Program Manager, Health and Wellness WIDE.

Vision Statement

Universally regarded as a trusted provider for high quality customer focused solutions.

General Functions and Service Areas

Associate Administrator for Administration

The Associate Administrator for Administration for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) serves as a career Supervisory Senior Executive Service member and Senior Advisor to Agency Leadership. Programs under the purview of the Associate Administrator include Human Resources (HR), Information Technology (IT) and Data Services, Management Services, Discretionary Grants and Workforce Development, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, and Mission Support.

Develops agency-wide policies and provides support, advocacy, strategic planning and assistance to the FHWA’s Headquarters (HQ) and field offices in matters relating to HR, information systems and technology, information management, data governance, records management, telecommunications, facilities management, publications and graphics services, organization and delegations of authority programs, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), discretionary grants coordination, workforce development, diversity programs, and other administrative and management services. Works with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) modal HR offices to provide automated staffing, Delegated Examining Unit (DEU) authority, and related HR shared services for all DOT components, excluding the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and DOT’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

Develops legislative recommendations, provides technical assistance, administers statutory provisions related to administrative programs and develops policy and direction for administrative programs. Serves as a focal point for broad range of special projects, administrative and support services for FHWA inclusive of management/facility/vehicle services that provide for efficiency and effectiveness of operations within FHWA. Oversees the Directives Program and Policy Guidance Center to ensure consistent application of policy, procedures, and guidance for use within and external to FHWA. Responds to changing workplace, environmental, technological needs and unforeseen circumstances with speed and efficacy to ensure continuity of operations throughout FHWA and DOT.

Staff reporting to the Associate Administrator are geographically dispersed across the country with staff located in HQ, Atlanta, GA, Lakewood, CO, and Federal Lands Highway Division Offices.

Correspondence addressed to the Associate Administrator for Administration should be addressed to Room E66-320 (HAD-1) U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources (HAHR) is led by a career Senior Executive Service Office Director who oversees multiple Divisions. Develops and administers comprehensive agency-wide HR policies and programs. Works with FHWA leadership and managers in FHWA's HQ and field organizations to create a productive work environment, using state-of-the-art HR practices. Provides HR advice and services to supervisors and employees; identifies, develops, and administers agency-wide employee learning and development programs; and works with DOT modal HR offices, excluding FAA and OIG, to provide automated staffing, Executive Agent DEU authority and related services.

HAHR Divisions include Policy, Planning and Data Analysis Division; Human Resources Operations Division, including Staffing Team, HR Processing Center, and Employee Benefits Team, and Personnel Security; Talent Development Division, including Learning Development Team; Corporate Recruitment; DOT Automated Staffing Division and Executive Agent; and Employee Relations including Personnel Security. Intensive efforts are conducted to recruit from the broadest pools of candidates.

The Office serves as an advisor and advocate for HR issues and programs involving merit principles, employment, career advancement, learning and development, recruitment, diversity, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), workforce and succession planning, position classification, compensation, employee benefits, performance management, employee recognition and awards, employee relations, counseling, personnel security, mental health awareness, employee wellness and emotional intelligence. Corporate recruitment includes student and career entry programs, Summer Transportation Internship Program for Diverse Groups, special emphasis programs focused on persons with disabilities, veterans, senior leaders, and executive resources.

Strategic planning execution to advance action plans and achieve strategic goals and objectives. Develops and implements accountability programs for risk assessment and program review. Policy, planning, and data analysis evaluates for regulatory compliance, effectiveness, lessons learned and national leadership.

HAHR services FHWA offices nationwide and staff is co-located with geographically dispersed FHWA offices. HAHR seeks to recruit, develop, and retain a diverse talented pool of employees to provide the highest standards in customer service and maintain the excellence associated with the FHWA high rating as an Employer of Choice.

Correspondence addressed to the Director, Office of Human Resources should be addressed to Room E65-330 (HAHR-1) U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Office of Information Technology and Data Services

The Office of Information Technology and Data Services (HATS) is led by a career Senior Executive Service Office Director. The Office Director holds the dual role of the Chief Technology Officer. The Office provides FHWA employees and select DOT Agencies with a strategic IT focus, leadership, governance practices and advocacy that result in a scalable, cost efficient and innovative IT solutions. Provides data services and governance, Section 508 compliance, records management and FOIA services. Centralization of IT and data resources to all FHWA and its mission.

Divisions include Business Operations Division, Data and Digital Services Division led by the Chief Data Officer including the FOIA and Special Programs Team, Mission IT Services Team, Customer Services, and IT Operations Division, including Customer Services Team and Federal Lands Customer Services Team, and IT Compliance Division.

Serves as an advocate and focal point for issues and programs involving IT, information management and data services. Executes strategic planning, action/business plan development, self-assessments, system, and process improvements. Develops and educates on new programs, technologies and promotes IT planning and review through the Investment Review Board and Enterprise Architecture for consistent agency-wide approach. Coordinates and manages IT/Data budget and finance and assesses priorities and recommends investments through the Capital Planning and Investment Control Process.

Provides leadership in state-of-the-art IT systems within DOT and with outside partners. Assess application of new IT support to enhance delivery of FHWA programs and internal operations. Directs development, installation, maintenance and improvements on integrated computer systems, applications, and networks. Maintains and enhances information exchange to ensure strategic Federal and non-Federal relationships with State DOTs, expedited delivery of Federal-aid funds and meeting Congressional mandates to make FHWA information publicly available. Leads, develops, and maintains procedures to ensure information security on Agency systems and infrastructure. Trains FHWA staff on security protocols and maintains secure IT environment.

Administers FHWA information management services in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, privacy requirements, directives, and record management protocols. Plans and develops systems for maintenance of information management based upon statutes, regulations and internal program review and assessment. Develops, implements, and trains staff on Section 508 Program requirements. Leads a cross Agency team to coordinate the 508 Program and maintain Section 508 website.

Leads Agency on data initiatives, establishes and maintains data inventory and improves public access to highway data. Coordinates data across Agency and develops Data Strategic Plan to establish course of data initiatives. Leads Agency FOIA program to allow public access and transparency to public on Agency records. Adjudicates administrative FOIA appeals under the FOIA and Privacy Act. Trains staff agency-wide on records management and FOIA requirements.

Correspondence addressed to the Director, Office of Information Technology and Data Services should be addressed to Room E64-318 (HATS-1) U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Office of Management Services

The Office of Management Services (HAMS) is led by a career Office Director. The Office develops agency-wide policies and provides assistance and technical expertise in matters relating to administrative programs, facilities management, fleet maintenance, support services, alternative duty location (ADL) employees and audio-visual services and products. Divisions are Administrative and Financial Operations Division, Publishing and Visual Media Division and the ADL Coordinator.

Serves as an advocate for and develops and implements strategic plans and business actions for facilities, management support, and cost effective and high-quality communications and marketing products. Develops policy and guidance on all matters within facilities and media management areas. Budgets and administers resources for programs and agency and reviews and assesses the 1H Central Support Budgetary Program and Working Capital Fund.

Support services address agency-wide, personnel and FHWA customer needs. Services include: real and personal property management; transit benefits program; facilities management; vehicle fleet management; nationwide voice communications operations; mail management; printing and distribution; occupational safety; energy conservation; media design; video camera taping; videotape editing and final production; exhibit and multimedia design, development, and production; event planning; and other state-of-the-art visual communications services and FHWA StaffNet development and maintenance.

National lead on Personal Identify Verification and provides trusted agent training. Coordinates Agency ADL Program and assists managers who utilize ADL. Oversees and updates Organization and Delegations of Authority Programs, including managing the activities related to the development, documentation, coordination, and implementation of these programs. Develops and modifies guidance and policies related to these programs.

Correspondence addressed to the Director, Office of Management Services should be addressed to Room E61-303(HAMS-1) U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Discretionary Grants Coordination Division

The Discretionary Grants Coordination Division (DGCD) is led by a career Division Chief. The Division develops and coordinates comprehensive agency-wide discretionary grant policies with internal, Departmental, and external stakeholders to ensure strategic planning, advocacy, comprehensive unified communication, collaboration, and deployment of critical Departmental policies in a rapid and unified manner. Close coordination of related activities and corporate initiatives with other HAD programs including HR and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility to improve program consistency, equity, diversity, and effectiveness in delivering state-of-the-practice infrastructure programs and projects.

DGCD advocacy and strategic planning ensures accountability in communication, coordination, and implementation of $9.5 billion discretionary grants portfolio. Coordinates with internal and Departmental offices to develop the program from announcement of funding opportunities, expert review of applications, efficient awards, consistent monitoring, and review post award to achieve highest return from grants. Rapid response to legislative, policy and technology changes and lessons learned to continually adapt program to changing environment. Unification of discretionary grants achieves high skill level in development, communication, delivery, accountability, and public confidence in the award and use of Federal funding opportunities. Coordination with Departmental leaders ensure national priorities reflected in delivery of grants. Expertise in application reviewers ensure highest quality and technological skill in selections.

Correspondence addressed to the Division Chief, Discretionary Grants Coordination Division, should be addressed to Room E63-314 U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Workforce Programs Division

The Workforce Programs Division is led by a career Division Chief. Workforce Programs increases capacity for internal and external transportation workforce to reflect America's diversity and capability to meet current and growing transportation industry demands for urgently needed programs, skills, and technology. Advocacy, strategic planning, and coordination with Departmental offices achieve Departmental goals for effective and well-trained transportation workforce of the future. Communication and planning with the educational and university sector to increase the ability to develop transferable skills from student population to workforce. Close coordination of related activities and corporate initiatives with other HAD programs including HR and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility to improve program consistency, equity, diversity, and effectiveness in delivering current and topical educational and career opportunities.

Expanding workforce development strategies includes implementing new curricula and grant education programs, hands-on career opportunities for kindergarten through postsecondary level students. Emphasis is placed on developmental programs including Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program, Garrett A. Morgan Transportation Technology Education Program, National Summer Transportation Institute, Pathways Internship Program, Professional Development Program, and Summer Transportation Internship Program for Diverse Groups. The various programs develop science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and disciplines leading to careers in transportation fields. Emphasis is placed on advancing women, minorities, and students of all ages to cultivate transportation careers.

Correspondence addressed to the Division Chief, Workforce Programs Division, should be addressed to Room E63-312 U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Mission Support Division

The Mission Support Division (MiST) is led by a career Division Chief. Budget, Financial, Acquisition, and Program Analysts and Administrative Assistants comprise the Division. Provides administrative, correspondence, travel, acquisition, and financial assistance to a various FHWA Offices.

Correspondence addressed to the MiST Division Chief should be to Room E66-326 U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-9898.

Public Resources for Information on HAD Administered Programs, Policies, Internships and Career Opportunities