Roadway Departure Countermeasure Videos
Low-Cost Safety Improvements:
Enhanced Delineation on Horizontal Curves
Low-Cost Safety Improvements:
Longitudinal Pavement Markings
Pennsylvania DOT High Friction Surface Treatment
Pennsylvania HFST Success Story -
Easton PA
Low-Cost Safety Improvements
for Unpaved Roads
Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD) Overview
Rumble Strips:
The Sweet Sound of Safety
In the Field Reports -
"Safety Edge"
Clackamas County’s
Slow Down for the Curve
Horizontal Alignment
Signage and the MUTCD
Chevron Alignment
Reducing Rural
Roadway Departures
Curve Signing:
Provper Chevron Spacing
Curve Signing:
Proper Placement in the Field